My name is Kristen Howard. I am a wife, mother, blogger, author, and speaker. I am married to my wonderful husband Charles and we have three sweet little children, Eva Jewel, Charlotte Louise and Charles Tyson. Life is far from perfect but we choose to enjoy the ride and live slowly.
One might say I had a “Leave it to Beaver” upbringing. If you are unfamiliar with this show it was a family sitcom set in the 1950’s about a suburban family and their daily lives.
Although I did not grow up in the 50’s many of the principals that were instilled at that time remained in our home. Our world back then, by today’s standards is almost forgotten.
I grew up in a small town in South Dakota with one younger sibling, my sister and best friend. It was a sheltered, peaceful life. Although I might not have always appreciated it at the time, looking back, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. It painted a beautiful backdrop for my memories and for the way I live my life today.
My mother and father met and married in three weeks time and are more in love today than when they met. Their rather unique love story and life principles were past down to my sister and I.
My father was a pastor of a church in town. He also broke horses on our country place of twenty acres. He did everything a rancher does, from cutting hay to working cattle. Yet, he always found time to stop long enough to have a small funeral for any of our family pets that may have needed a few words spoken over them. He was our hero.
My mother was a stay-at-home mom who took care of us and all the household needs. She, too, always found time to teach us how to clean a kitchen, cook her cornbread and carry a purse. Her sacrifices made me who I am today.
Anne Shirley in Anne of Gables, makes a sincere statement. She says, “It’s not what the world holds for you, but what you bring to it.” Life is a choice.
I can either choose to live my life always looking for what someone can do for me or I can choose to live serving someone else. The Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19, “Behold, I set before you, life and death…therefore choose life that you and your seed my live.” I desire to live a life that is marked by love; a life that is not too busy to pass the time a day with a stranger or offer a helping hand to someone in need.
My past memories have been imprinted on my heart so much that at times I see them overlapping my present. I hope you enjoy meeting my family as I take you back through the sunny side of life.

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