He’s Still Working on Me

Last Christmas we were watching a classic Christmas movie that our family enjoys. A “PG” curse word was said by one of the actors and Eva picked up on it. The next day, around evening time, I told Eva it was time to get ready for her bath. She sighed deeply and said, “Oh Mommy, I don’t want to take no **** shower!” I had to turn around and swallow my laughter. She said it with such innocence and yet with the knowledge that it was a “not nice word.” Her innocent comment has brought many laughs between Chuck and I.

From this incident we began teaching Eva what was acceptable speech and what was not. We also related it to the power of the mind; what we think about we often bring about. In turn, producing the consequences in our lives, whether good or bad. Teaching her that she has control over what thoughts she allows to stay in her mind will be imperative as she grows.

“We cannot keep birds from flying overhead but we can keep them from building a nest in our hair.” Martin Luther

Teaching her to recognize what is wrong will help her to recognize what is right also. But to ignore such a teachable moment will only lead to worse offenses. Pictures, words, thoughts, and concepts all have the power to take root in our minds. As my parents have warned me on many occasions, “Tiny seeds will sprout into undesirable fruit if we do not protect the soil of our children’s mind.”

It was with these thoughts that I began to teach Eva a song that shows how God continues to work on us so we can grow in him. It goes like this…

He’s still working on me

To make me what I ought to be

It took him just a week to make the moon and the stars

The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars

How loving and patient He must be

He’s still working on me

Sometimes I feel as though He is working more on me than Eva. I find myself apologizing for handling a situation wrong or not explaining what was expected of her or even perhaps overusing the word “NO” just because I am tired. Showing her that God is still working on Mommy helps her to understand that the rules do not change just because we become adults. 

Shortly after teaching Eva about the power of our mind and acceptable speech, I happened to hear her praying in the hallway. She had gotten in trouble and I heard her say, “God help my mind not to think of mean things to say to my mommy, Amen.” Although I found it comical and sweet, I saw fruit from our teaching. She was learning how to move past thoughts, words, and concepts that were not Godly and take control over what came out of her mouth. It will always be the little things that become the BIG things.

Earlier this year in the spring, we had spent the day hauling rock for our landscape. By evening time, we were all covered with rock dust and sweat. I decided a relaxing evening down by our fire pit was just what everyone needed. It is a beautiful spot that sits near the creek. Nothing beats the sound of a babbling brook and a crackling fire.

Eva and I went inside to prepare the picnic supper. Soup and smores were all laid out on the tray and ready to be carried down to the fire. I left the tray on the counter and walked out of the kitchen for just a minute. A few moments later I heard…CRASH! I came down the hall and saw nothing but soup and smores all over the hallway and back door. My eyes landed on a little girl holding an empty tray. She looked scared and unsure as to how this was going to play out.

Five months pregnant had my back aching, my stomach pulling and an overall feeling of exhaustion steering my days. However, our response does not have to be determined by our feelings. I knew Eva was only trying to help me and was trying to lighten my load. I graciously (and somewhat awkwardly) bent down and scooped her up in my lap. I reminded her of famous words said in our house, “Eva, we don’t punish for accidents.” I continued to tell her how thankful I was that she wanted to help me and that the mess was nothing that a wet dish rag couldn’t handle. I let her know we had more soup on the stove and more smores to go around. I watched her expression change from one of disappointment to that of pure relief.

Without HIS daily guidance and reassurance that I can “mother” my children in a Christlike manner, I know I would fall short, I still do on many occasions, but it is in stories like these that I can see the Lord is still “working on me.”

Welcome Home

A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; from the produce of his lips he shall be filled.” Proverbs 18:20 (Good words bring good things and bad words bring bad things” – simplified for children)

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