Mary Poppins

It was practically perfect in every way. The invitations were, of course, “theme printed” and special ordered. There was a toy room scene as you walked in the front door, homemade kites were hanging from the ceiling, toy blocks spelling out, Mary Poppins, were positioned just right. Of course, carnations were everywhere. I had the Disney soundtrack playing in the background and feed the bird bags placed outside with tuppence (two-pence) surrounding.

There was a serving table draped with a beautiful red tablecloth. It had an old tailor’s tape running down the center. Placed on it were; chimney sweeps for Bert, spoonsful of sugar for Mary Poppins, and caramel apple bites for Jane and Michael. Not to mention the, macaroni and cheese, grilled chicken and homemade dips, all served on fine matching platters and labeled accordingly. This all graced the table as well. Raspberry punch, tea and lemonade were served in matching dispensers.

No party is complete without the cake! And this cake truly was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! It was a two-tiered round cake with the most elaborate and unique Mary Poppins designs. Outside I had the tables covered with cream table clothes. Charcoal and carnations graced the center piece; and a joke card positioned at each seat from Uncle Albert’s laughing scene.

Everything was color coordinated from the balloons to Bert’s sidewalk magic (party favor). I even had Mary Poppins t-shirts made for Eva and I so we would match in our outfits. What a party this was going to be! As I was tacking up the last kite and making sure all was ready, my husband asked me why I was doing all this? I told him it was because I loved our little girl and wanted her to have the best. He just nodded and walked off. I should have pressed him for his input but I brushed it off and continued on with my own agenda.

When my folks arrived and saw all that I had done, I put my arm around my dad and said “Isn’t this just great. I did all this for Eva.” He just looked at me and unlike Chuck, he holds nothing back. He said “NO. You didn’t do all this for Eva. You did all of this for you.” I said nothing. The birthday came off without a hitch and everyone had a great time. But my thoughts were on my dad’s comment. He was right, and I knew it. Eva didn’t care that everything was color coordinated or that the party games were Mary Poppins inspired. She got cake and presents from her friends and family. She was happy. I knew something in me needed to change. I was too caught up in appearance and didn’t even see it. I made up my mind when her next birthday came around it would genuinely be about her.

When the time came, my first order of business was to purchase the five dollar hand written invitations. My second assignment was to make sure the guest list did not exceed her five favorite friends. I started to get a little happy at this point! When it was time for party supplies, I loaded her up in the car and took her to our favorite store. We headed straight for the plastic party isle. Once there, I took her out of the cart and told her I needed her help picking out all her party supplies. Her eyes beamed with excitement! She went down that isle grabbing plates, cups, napkins, forks, spoons, tablecloths, streamers, hats, and bubbles. Nothing matched and I loved it. No theme. Just a backyard and good old-fashioned birthday party fun. As we made her birthday cake that night (a Duncan Hines special) and I watched her eat spoonsful of batter while we laughed and played, something changed in me. I was home again.

My mother always made sure we had a special day. There was always streamers and balloons, our favorite meal, a cake and friends. What fun it was! But never was it out of control or something you could not live up to. I thought I was doing Eva a favor by throwing her an elaborate birthday party; But in reality, I was crippling her. I was setting a standard I could not begin to live up to. Offering a taste of life that does not exist. A figment of her imagination that where intended to create an imaginary wonderland would in return create a monster. A monster I would not be able to harness.

Hebrews 12:1 says,

Let us lay aside every weight and sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us

Birthday parties are not a sin but they can quickly become a weight that easily traps you; personally, relationally, and financially. I want to run my race like a champion and I cannot do that trying to keep up with Mr. and Mrs. Jones’. Mary Poppins taught me more as an adult than she ever did as a child. I am grateful.

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