Not Now

“Mommy!” The most famous word ever spoken from a toddler’s lips. As mothers, from the time we wake, until the time little ones go to sleep, our name is famous. Once, an acquaintance saw me in town and said, “Hello there Kristen!” Eva crinkled up her forehead and said, “That’s not Kristen, that’s my Mommy!”

It was one of those “Mommy!” days not too long ago, I had many irons in the fire, all which needed my attention. Hoping for a few minutes of no questions, I continued with my work as fast as I could. It wasn’t long before I heard my name being called once again. I answered with a sharp, “Not now, Eva!” In seconds, I heard that familiar, ever gentle, whisper in my heart say, “If not now then when?”

I stopped what I was doing and came to check on what she needed. She had her sticker book opened and asked me to do a sticker puzzle with her. With closed eyes, I heaved a heavy sigh knowing I had forgotten the most important task assigned to me. She just wanted a few minutes of my time and instead I responded in an irritated manner.

It is not always possible to drop everything and run meet our children at play, but if we make our daily schedules too busy, we will unintentionally schedule our children out of our day; fragments of life will become the most important thing and superficial conversation will get exchanged for depth. Beware of the barrenness of a busy life. It has a way of creeping in unnoticed.

The house, the bills, the errands, the commitments, it will never all be over, but the kids are just passing through. I want to know I was present in my children’s lives and that the sticker books didn’t slip through the cracks.

I find it interesting that throughout many studies done showing characteristics of strong families, nothing has had more impact on a child than that of his/her home. This tells me, within my home, I am creating a direct reflection of myself. Teaching the correct distribution of time will show up only in the finished product.

It is because of fleeting moments that I often whisper in Eva’s ear, “Eva, can you do me a favor? Don’t grow up too fast. Ok?” I may not be able to slow time down but I can make sure we live slowly.

Harry Chapin wrote a song many years ago titled Cats in the Cradle. It depicts a father who spent his life with a “Not Now” outlook and one day woke up to discover his son had become the worst version of himself. The last chorus goes like this…

Cats in the Cradle with the silver spoon

Little Boy Blue and the Man in the Moon

“When you coming home, son?” “I don’t know when?”

But we’ll get together then, dad

You know we will have a good time then

Balance time well, because sticker books can’t wait.

Welcome Home

But Jesus said, “Let the little children come unto me and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 19:14

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3 thoughts on “Not Now

  1. Excellent!! great job!!
    “ I am creating a direct reflection of myself.”
    How true is that!! ❤️❤️

  2. This really hits home! Even I, the perfect mother, (I wish!) was guilty of this. Now, I see my grown grandchildren and know this also happened to them, so I really worry about my great grandchildren. I know it is even worse for them, but Mommy is always so busy with work and Daddy works away from home. There’s no way for me to undo it, but I can always regret it. Thanks, Kristen, for reminding me and everybody else.

    1. I am so glad you enjoyed this! Don’t live with regrets. You were a GREAT mother! And your children were better because of you. Mothers have an endless battle with time. Those that realize it do something about it. Those that don’t, well they will miss out ok wonderful moments. You did not do that. All kids should have a mother like you! Love you lots Mickey!

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