Said the Robin to the Sparrow
“I should really like to know
Why these anxious human beings
Rush about and worry so.”
Said the Sparrow to the Robin,
“Friend, I think that it must be
That they have no heavenly Father
Such as cares for you and me.”
Charlotte’s backpack is as big as she is. I can see her in the playroom as she packs blocks and Barbies inside. She comes by the kitchen and says, “Ok, Mommy. I am going to ‘school one day.’ I will miss you. See you soon.” I tell her ok, and I love her. Off she goes down the hallway. I smile, waiting as I hear her footsteps come back down the hall. “I’m back, she exclaims!” Her pretend is something I love the most about her. She will sing at the top of her lungs, switching keys faster than I lose mine. Her dress-up looks a tad mixed between Cinderella and a cowgirl, yet she insists on being called Princess Charlotte as she takes a bow. And pocket pants are a must when we go anywhere. She loves to put coins inside and pull them out.
Singing Mary Had a Little Lamb, Charlotte picked up the verse, and it followed her to school one day, school one day, school one day…Now, she thinks school is actually referred to as “School One Day.” Always asking, “Are we taking Eva to ‘school one day?'”
The Formation of habits is education, and education is the formation of habits.
Charlotte Mason
Turning around while shopping, I noticed Charlotte chewing something. “What are you eating, Charlotte?” “A chip,” she said confidently. I found it on the floor. It’s good.” Eva looked at me, and I looked at Charlotte. “Oh whatever,” I said, pushing the cart forward Tyson relaxing in his car seat and talking to his pacifier.
Moving through the store’s checkout line, the sales clerk commented to me, “You are attentive to your kids. You put them in what you are doing and talk to them as if they matter. I see a lot of people come through here each day, yet it is evident you all enjoy being together. I just thought you needed to know.” Little did she know how discouraged I had been feeling. Sometimes, as parents, we can see everything we are doing wrong and never pick up on what we are doing right. It takes someone from the outside, even a stranger, to give us a pat on the back and remind us that we can do this.
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We pulled away for the last time. I was trying to hide my tears, but watching Eva cry broke my heart. “Will they forget me?” I looked over at her. Her head barely reached over the car window, and her heart was broken. She knew all the reasons we were going to homeschool, and she was excited about the new adventure, but the friendships she had established were something special. We wanted them to be cemented forever, and now we were leaving.
I have prayed that my children find and keep Godly friendships. I want them surrounded by friends who will hold them accountable, lift them up, and encourage them. I desire friendships that are life-long and a constant flow of fun, enjoyable memories they can look back on and laugh together as they “remember the time…” How could I continue to drive away into unknown territory with so many questions?
We rode silently all the way home, tears streaming down her face. Pulling into the drive, I asked her if our heartbreak had changed God’s plan. She responded as I knew she would. “No,” she stated.
No matter how we feel, we must do what God says. As tears stung my eyes, I told her, “We make decisions and stick with them. When it seems like we are free-falling and not sure where we will land, we wait. God always shows up with the parachute.”
I watched her unload her backpack for the last time in the kitchen. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed her. Holding her close, she hugged me tight and cried, “I am happy to be homeschooled but sad to leave my friends.” I encouraged her, “Life is about friendships. The friends that you have made are lifetime kindred spirits. They are not going anywhere.” I continued. “Let’s be sad today and smile tomorrow. How’s that sound?” She held on tight in agreement.
Do not imagine you may now put an end to your studies as having arrived at the end of the utmost limits of useful knowledge….if you neglect this, even the foundation, however skillfully laid, will gradually molder away. You will live your age backward and be less wise at sixty than you are at twenty.
Samuel Davies Valedictorian Address
Eva’s smile is back. There are stories by the creek, woods to hike, and long division to learn; sea turtles to study, and history to bring to life. Charlotte is thrilled about the ABCs and colors. Learning to tell time and count back money are skills my children can share with their grandparents.
Learning should make the eyes dance.
Watching the sun shine over the hills as it comes through the upstairs family room, Eva can see a picture of five friends hanging on our bulletin board. It makes us smile to see the thread of friendship, knowing we all go to “school one day.”
A wise man can become even wiser if given instruction. And a just man can increase in learning if taught. Proverbs 9:9