I come from a long line of jokesters and story tellers. My great grandfather, Pa, whom my own father is referred to by Eva and Ben, was quite the story teller. My father and uncle take after him in their own story telling talents and good humor. My great grandmother, whom everyone lovingly called, Big Mama, loved to tell jokes and laugh. Our family lineage is full of hilarious light hearted people; not because they never fell on hard times, they just chose to find something to laugh about.
One of our favorite past times is gathering at my folk’s place and sitting out by a fire listening to everyone tell stories of years gone by. My uncle tells one about a minivan trying to drive through a flooded creek while he sat in his boat watching. Obviously, they didn’t make it. Now, my Grandpa has a classic story he shares about my dad. It has a famous line that everyone knows very well- a little boy stands tall in the backseat of the car and says, “Daddy, I hatched the seat.” I am sure you can guess the rest. I have a great uncle who loves innocent practical jokes and one-liners. You have to be paying close attention or you will miss it, but his remarks are so funny to those of us who know to watch for them.
Story telling is a talent that makes one’s imagination come alive if the person can recreate the occurrence; too many details and rabbit trails, the audience has wandered away; too little information and the story was never captured. Like Goldilocks said…it has to be “Just right.”
We were created by God to love stories. He is the Master story teller. Whatever your heart desires; history, suspense, romance, adventure, science or humor, can all be found on the pages of the Bible.
It has been said, “We will be the same people tomorrow that we are today apart from the books we read and the people we meet.” It doesn’t have to be best sellers or famous people to make us better. The most impactful moments, for me, have come from those who are not famous at all, quite frankly, just ordinary people with powerful lessons to teach a young mother and wife like myself. And as far as books go, well, I love to read; Christian, Christian romance, History and the Classics are my favorite, but again, some of the best books I have ever read were written by people who just wanted to make a difference in someone’s life, not a paycheck.
I would like to share with you a poem my father wrote about the greatest story ever told. It brings to life what Mary and Joseph must have gone through; learning to trust when they could not see. I know you will enjoy….
The Road to Bethlehem
And Joseph her betrothed was found being just
Not willing to stone her for a moment of lust
She’s just a girl after all not much past thirteen
There’s so much of life she hasn’t seen
I feel betrayed and it’s more than I can handle
But I’ll keep it private won’t make a big scandal
I’ll divorce her and she can get on with her life
Maybe the other man will make her his wife
Though he wrestled with pain and a great controversy
He refused to get vengeance instead modeled mercy
Before mercy could arrive in a manger that night
It had lived in his heart and made him choose life
These actions were not those of the jealous type
But those of man who would treat Jesus right
Someone who’d love Him with a firm strong hand
And yet model the traits of a merciful man
God was looking for someone to be a stepfather
Who wouldn’t treat Jesus like a stepchild but rather
The King of the ages wrapped up in flesh
Who had come to bring life and bring it afresh
Then late in the night before his plan could unfold
Joseph had dream in which he was told
Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife,
Because the Child inside her is the Spirit of life
He’ll save you all so call His name Jesus
The earth will rejoice and know that God see’s us
Though our sins are as scarlet they’ll be white as snow
Because Bethlehem awaits down the road we must go
On the road to Bethlehem
A chance to begin again
Where no one will know us
I’ve been gone awhile
No one will know – It’s not my child
But the road to his future
Led though his past
To the land of his fathers
Home at last
Is waiting for you
Jim Stockdale
Welcome Home
“But Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Luke 2:19
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