He needs no introduction. His teaching, wisdom, and knowledge are without exception, of course, I may be a tad prejudice since he is my dad (wink). I am blessed to have a father that speaks truth into my life. I hope you enjoy this weeks post from my father, Jim Stockdale.
If I Were The Devil
If I were the devil and wanted to steal
The soul of a country I’d make them a deal
I’d promise them wealth beyond computation
If they’d just give me the keys to this nation
Prosperity and wealth I’d promise to give
And I’d start with the slogan, “Just live and let live”
After all what do you care what other people do
As long as the benefits keep coming to you
Let’s see, if I were the devil, I’d call on the young
To rebel against order ‘till my trap was sprung
Then it would be too late for my plan to fail
For the message of freedom would finally prevail
In the name of freedom I’d dress women up as men
I’d tell children to transition – for this is no sin
I’d make modesty old fashioned, I’d make marriage a joke
I’d turn fathers into clowns and then through mirrors and smoke
I’d make everyone believe that it’s all for their good
To accept others as they are, and if only they would
See that gender is just a state of mind
A transitional choice for all human kind
With one stroke of my hand, I’d make it the law of the land
To prohibit kids from praying in schools
I’d make the pledge of allegiance somehow egregious
And our history the preponderance of fools
I’d leave churches in place for the faithful
But I’d render them anemic and weak
I’d threaten to remove their tax status
If somehow they would even dare speak
Of the wickedness found in the leaders
And the scandals so easy to see
I’d silence complaints and throw off all restraints
So no one would recognize me
I’d preach tolerance from platforms and pulpits
I’d make holiness a thing of the past
I’d give condoms to children in grade school
I’d make abortions a right to hold fast
If I wanted to bring down a nation
The attack would come from within
Walls will not fall nor assailants prosper at all
Till they see the fun in their sin
Yes sir, if I were the devil I do what he’s done
It’s all going just as he planned
We march on like lemmings, us blind human beings
We’re playing right into his hands
Jim Stockdale (inspired by Paul Harvey)
“The thief comes to kill, steal, and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
I really like to hear Jim’s poems. Keep up the good news.
Thank you! I do too. They are always so good!