George Bailey wanted out of Bedford Falls more than anyone ever did. Yet, for one reason or another, he was always passed over. The Building and Loan had him trapped. He knew he had to stay, for they would vote with Potter otherwise. George couldn’t see the home he was building for all the improvements it needed. He couldn’t see a wife that loved him or children that praised him. All George could see was shattered dreams and a dead-end town. George Bailey was continually looking to the end of his story instead of enjoying the page he was on.
We recently sold our house and moved into our camper while we are transitioning to our dream home in the country. For us, there are not many things we enjoy more than a beautiful countryside, an open fire pit and a charcoal grill smoking. You can believe me when I say this because my husband buys charcoal by the truckload! However, it is easy to start questioning God’s plan when the shower and toilet are basically the same unit. Normal conversation should never involve asking your husband if the tanks have been released. I remember one morning, this very thing happened. As Chuck went out to handle the tanks, I sarcastically asked him to gather the eggs on his way back in. Learning to laugh along the way makes the journey worthwhile.
My husband has the patience of Job. The day we moved out of our house and set up camp, it was raining sideways. Chuck never uttered a word, he simply put on his rain gear and handled one job after the next, soaking wet. I have gotten to know the folks down at the laundry mat quite well. We are on a first-name basis now. Camping has provided us with many obstacles to overcome. There is nothing on this camper that my husband has not fixed or repaired. I will tell you, walking back and forth from the bathhouse with a toddler will wear on a person rather quickly. Yet, no matter the circumstance, Chuck has never been jostled or jolted into making hasty decisions. He is calculated and steady. I, on the other hand, can be a lot like George Bailey, in a hurry to get to the end of the book and see how it turns out. I get frustrated when my dreams do not look like the picture I have etched in my mind. Perhaps, if I am not careful, I will miss the beautiful painting found on the canvas. Each page of a story has a purpose. By jumping to the end, we will never see how the story unfolded. I do not want to get to the end of my life and realize I rushed through all the uncomfortable parts. What a tragedy to miss out on a tiny Christmas tree, decorated with homemade ornaments or a single strand of lights that twinkled through the window. I will always cherish my husband’s gentle hugs and the whispers that everything will be ok. I hope I never forget how it feels to crowd around a one-sided table and watch tiny hands covered in frosting assemble a gingerbread house.
A thirty-one-foot camper will test the limits of anyone, and yet Eva is convinced she is living the dream. I think she may be right. She has chosen to live the dream while I am still searching for it. Dreams are not found; they are lived. George Bailey found this to be true. A house doesn’t make a home, the people inside do . Our Pastor recently said, “We live by promises, not explanations.” Trusting the Lord’s plan is not always easy but always necessary. I know I will find the blessing of the Lord along the pathway of my obedience. At the end of the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, Harry Bailey makes a toast to his brother, George Bailey, and says, “A toast, to my big brother, George, the richest man in town.” I am not sure what you are facing this Christmas season, but I pray you will enjoy all the riches life has to offer. It truly is a wonderful life.
…I have learned the secret to being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13
Welcome Home
You are living the dream!! See it through a child’s eye!! And Chuck is awesome!! ❤️
Yes we are! ❤️