Sunny-Side Up

There is a stillness in the early morning hour that I have been seeking. Captivated by the beauty left me itching to capture the tranquility in my notebook. The frost rests heavily on each blade of grass and every tree limb. There is a light fog looming through our fence line and finding ease in dusty white patches on the hills off in the distance. I can see the faint figures of cattle from across the road; steam rises off their backs as they await their morning feed.

December can leave a person holding their breath, awaiting the opportunity to exhale. It’s like a sly laugh coming from the month, mocking me with its bustle. But determination keeps me making sugar cookies, feeding Charlotte, and painting ornaments simultaneously. So what if the bib winds up on Eva rather than Charlotte.

Lemons land in everyone’s day. Like, leaving melted butter in the microwave after the blueberry muffins have already gone into the oven. I don’t know if you have ever tried to empty a muffin tin back into the mixing bowl, but I think it’s best to let you draw your conclusions as to how this ended.

A few months back, we finally got the puppies, Penny and Lola, kennel trained for a few hours. They were older and could stay in the kennel while we ran errands without making a mess. I decided to get the girls ready and make a quick trip to a nearby town to look for a frame I had wanted for my living room wall. Charlotte giggled while Eva and I waved out the window to Samson and Maximus, who was watching from the front porch. We hollered out the window for them to watch the place, and we would be back soon (as if they understood). Off we went for a girl’s shopping day!

After kid’s meals and bottles, bathroom trips and diaper changes, and nonstop excitement down every aisle, we finally arrived at the checkout counter. Eager to make my purchases and get everyone home, I held out my coupon as I purchased my frame. The cashier smiled apologetically and said, “I’m sorry, but that coupon is not good until next week.” I swallowed, thinking of all my efforts to get here. She then proceeded helpfully to inform me that I could go ahead and purchase the frame but bring it back the following week for the discount. I looked at Charlotte, who was sucking her pacifier like a mechanical doll and then at Eva, who was jumping off the back end of the shopping cart begging for some skittles. I thought to myself, “Lady, it took me four days to get here. The validity of the coupon next week isn’t worth it.” I proudly purchased the item for the total price.

Sunnyside up can be hard to find when “It’s A Small World After All” has played on repeat for the last two hours, and traveling trips no longer mean front seat passengers. The nerves can get raked when Mommy is better known as a verb than a noun. Bathtub waterslide battles, birthday parties, and doctor visits become the war we fight all day long (winning, obviously). It’s the perfectly brewed cup of tea and leisure reading I can’t quite conquer.

I would love to tell you frustration, tired, grumpy, or snappy never find me, or that egg never lands on my face, but that wouldn’t be true. Nevertheless, if you ask me how I like my home, I will tell you- sunny side up.

Welcome Home

“We are hard-pressed on every side yet not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair. Persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

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2 thoughts on “Sunny-Side Up

  1. Priceless! Your description of the early morning was beautifully poetic. I haven’t tried to put muffins back in the bowl, but I did try to convince myself that a pan of M&M bars that landed topside down on the kitchen floor could be brushed off and would still be good. They weren’t. At the end of the day, there just may be a perfect cup of tea after all.

    1. Oh that is so funny about the m&m bars! 🤣 I am glad I was not the recipient haha!!! The things we do 🤣♥️…. I am going to have the perfect cup of tea yet! Love ya Ms. Deb!

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