It was Sunday morning, Palm Sunday. I knew we would tune in to our church service online of course, but my concern wasn’t for my spiritual walk. My concern was for my little girl who could not understand why we no longer were gathering together at Church. She didn’t understand not going to Sunday School, with all of her friends, to praise and learn about Jesus. That settled it. I had made my decision. I called Eva to me and said, “Eva, I want you to go get all of your stuffed animals and line them up. Get ready, Girly, we are going to have Church this morning, Eva Style.” I wish I could have captured the look of excitement on her face. She ran down the hallway and began gathering every animal and lined them up in the living room. I started collecting Bibles, an offering bucket, and the arts and crafts. Daddy’s job was the music. Once everything was set up and ready, Eva got her little stool and sat with her animals. Suddenly, she jumped up and ran to get her purse, she unzipped it and started passing out coins to all of her animals. She wanted them to have an offering to give that morning.
I asked Eva if she was ready for church and there was an unquenchable squeal of “Yes!” I had the service scheduled. There would be Bible action songs, offering, lesson time with a puppet show, and even an arts and crafts section! I treated this Sunday just as if we were in her Sunday school room with all of her friends.
As the songs began, Eva jumped up and we all participated in “Father Abraham” and “I’m In The Lords Army.” Memories came flooding back as we sang and danced. Daddy decided to pull out the dart gun during the song “I’m In The Lord’s Army” and every time we said, “Shoot the artillery” he would shoot out a dart. Eva squealed with delight!
When our song service was complete, we prepared for the offering. I talked with Eva, and all the animals in attendance that morning, about giving and why we give. Daddy queued the song in the background and while Ron Kenoly sang “Give to the Lord,” Eva took her cup and walked around collecting the offering from all of her animals and from mommy and daddy. After the offering was gathered, we moved into the lesson where Daddy took the lead and read from Eva’s picture Bible. He read to her all about the triumphal entry! While he told the story, I sat behind the couch with Oliver the Donkey, and Mr. Elephant,(Don’t ask me why the donkey’s name is Oliver or why there was an elephant in the room…I have no idea…Just go with me here). They said they came to tell Eva what the city looked like on that special day, so many years ago, when Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Oliver and Mr. Elephant told her all about the people waving Palm Branches and saying “Hosanna!” “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” By this point she was standing up, with both hands in the air, shouting, “Hosanna,” right along with Oliver and Mr. Elephant.
After the puppet show was complete, it was arts and crafts time. We prepared to make our very own palm branches from construction paper, tape and popsicle sticks (skillfully crafted). Once we were finished, it was time for the parade! We lined up to wave our palm branches at Jesus and shout “Hosanna!” I quickly snatched up the living room throw blankets. I used one as a sash on Daddy as he played Jesus, and the other two I threw over Eva’s head and mine. While trying to set the scene, it probably looked more like a bad representation of “Robin Hood” than of Bible characters but it worked. As Jesus came walking down the aisle, holding Oliver the Donkey, Eva and I waved our Palm Branches saying, “Hosanna!” Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”
We were laughing until we couldn’t catch our breath, which caused me to realize something. I don’t want to miss out on wonderful opportunities to pour into my family, while waiting for the perfect moment to arrive. The greatest ministry, we will ever have, happens within the four walls of our home. It is here that families see the resurrection of Jesus lived out. Perhaps our Sunday school church service that morning, makes for a better blog, than it looked in real time, but it lived loud.
Resurrection day, (Easter) is coming whether we are gathered in our beautiful churches or not. It is coming whether my family has on their new Easter attire or not. It is coming whether or not my extended family gathers for baked ham, corn casserole and carrot cake. It makes no difference. There is an empty tomb and the day must be celebrated! Don’t miss “waving palm branches” (Even if made from construction paper) waiting for the perfect opportunity for a lesson. Embrace the moment you’re in, and carry on your traditions as best you can. I can assure you, it will be an Easter you won’t soon forget.
If you find yourself reading this post wondering who is this Jesus I speak so passionately about? I would love to introduce you to Him. It is as easy as asking him to be Lord and Savior of your life. He will resurrect in you, that which you thought was dead. Religion can never offer what relationship can. Religion is like a heavy stone one has to carry around, while relationship walks with you hand in hand.
Let Jesus walk with you this Easter. He is waiting – welcome home.
Happy Easter
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