The Grinch

“…The Grinch hated Christmas; The whole Christmas season! Now please don’t ask why, no one quite knows the reason. It could be perhaps, that his shoes were too tight. It could be his head wasn’t screwed on just right; But I think that the most likely reason of all, may have been that his heart was two sizes too small…” Dr. Seuss

Most of us know someone who acts just like the Grinch as the Christmas season commences. They complain about the decorations, the shopping, the traffic and the pounds of fruit cake delivered to their door. Their Christmas tree lies disassembled in the attic, next to the knotted twinkle lights that burned out years ago. A Grinch sees Christmas traditions as a thing of the past without any present value. Commercialism has stolen from them the very heart of Christmas and has left them with a cynical view point.

For the Howard’s, nothing could be further from the truth. I will admit I probably go over-board, but for me it is the most wonderful time of year! As I open the storage boxes one by one, memories spring to life once again: Christmas beads, garland and bulbs, snow globes, figurines, and stockings. Baking tins are full of sugary treats with the magical smells of peppermint and spice lingering in the air. Christmas wreaths adorn every front door and homes are twinkling like gigantic gingerbread houses. Cookies and milk are awaiting Santa Claus as he comes down the chimney. The scent of pine fills the room as Christmas trees are adorned with family memories. Beautiful packages, tied up in bows, lie underneath the tree with everyone waiting in anticipation for what’s inside. Christmas cards parade up the wall and Bing Crosby plays in the background while families enjoy all the holiday cheer. A spirit of giving sweeps over every heart as Christmas fills the air.

There has never been a time that I can remember any of our Christmas traditions outweighing the true meaning of it all. It was always woven into everything we did. Now, as a mother myself, I make sure it is not lost in the magic but always viewed as the miracle it is. Eva loves to watch me unwrap the Nativity scene. We talk about the pieces, one by one. I have a small open barn that sets the scene so beautifully and makes me wonder what it might have been like that first Christmas night? Is it barely possible that even in Mary’s immovable faith, as she found herself staring at a little bundle wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, she questioned, “Why me?” “Why here?” “How could the king of kings be born in an old stable that smelled of animals and moldy hay?” What thoughts must have been racing through Joseph’s mind? By law, He had the right to walk away, even to have Mary stoned, but he didn’t. What kind of mercy does that? Joseph trusted in a God he could not see and in a Word he could not ignore. He chose to be a father to a son that was not his by birth but his by choice. As I place the Wise men around the manger, A thought occurred to me, they knew the constellations and the meaning behind this star. These wise men had read the scrolls, they knew the prophecies of old. They knew if they followed the star it would bring them face to face with all they knew to be true. I have learned that wise men still bring their gifts and lay them at the Savior’s feet. Could God have planned it this way? The Great Shepherd was born in a stable, in order for lowly shepherds, who watched over their flocks by night, to know He had come to save them too. I can hear the stable animals talking one to another saying, “How wondrous that He would choose to be born right here with all of us, and we would get to spend a little time with Him.” It’s no wonder the Lamb of God was born in a barn. Before he was the Great Shepherd he was the sacrificial lamb. As I unwrap the Angel, I can’t help but see a host of heavenly angels singing, Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth and goodwill toward men!”

The true meaning of Christmas is entwined in all of our wonderful traditions. It is about a Savior that came to light our way and to give us the gift of eternal life. A gift that is available to all who would simply receive it. It’s only when our perception changes, that our attitude changes also. Don’t tuck Christmas away in the attic and deem it of no value. It’s a special time with a rich heritage. Set up your tree, hang your stockings, string your lights, and perhaps like the Grinch said, “…He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought…doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps…means a little bit more!” Dr Seuss

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6-7

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