
Not in the Cookies


“Mom! I just sat on my yogurt.” With a slight exhale, I stated, “Was it open?” “Yes, mam,” she peeped. Closing my eyes and uttering, “I will clean it up when we get there.” We were loaded down to the max, and only forty-five minutes before we arrived at my sister’s, the dam broke. Tyson exploded, Eva couldn’t hold it, Charlotte ran out of goldfish, and yogurt was now seeping through the cracks of the backseat. The year was 1990, […]

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When the Parade Passes By

usa flag on white house patio

When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson Growing up, I considered the Fourth of July the main event. Each year, we would don our finest patriotic attire. Complete only with boots and spurs. We would all mount up as Dad unloaded the horses at the Sale Barn. Some years, Mom rode; other years, she watched with delight next to our dear family friend, Mr. Harvey. We enjoyed […]

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The Good Ones Just Get Better

cowboy on horseback at sunset

Cowboys love big sky and open range. They work hard. He is a man of his word, loyal to his friends and family; treats everyone with respect, especially women. A true cowboy never forgets what’s important: friendship with God, family, friends, meaningful work – and one good horse. He doesn’t measure wealth by money. If a cowboy does these things, he will be a rich man. He is courageous, fearing God and no man. Peace River There is an old […]

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Daddy’s Home!

child holding hand of another person

Carmel apples smeared their faces, and cotton candy stained their little hands. French fries and funnel cakes brought pure delight as we went from ride to ride at the County Fair. Tyson was not yet here but only had a few more months before his debut. I listened to their squeals and watched their waves as they flew past me, screaming, “Hey, Mom!” Chuck became the Guinea pig for most rides, including the small compact Elsa ride. Watching him trying […]

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A Clothesline

a woman hanging laundry on a clothes line

There is something country about a clothesline, perhaps even old-fashioned; it makes me love it. It used to be located in everyone’s backyard, town, or country, but as progress would have it, a clothesline slowly disappeared from most yards; why keep such a distasteful eyesore? To see clothes hanging out on the line is a picture of a slower time; a time when neighbors could visit while hanging out the wash or the quiet essence would surround when a bird […]

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For the want of a Horseshoe Nail

man holding lighting tool near brown horse

For want of a nail, the shoe was lost For want of a shoe, the horse was lost For want of a horse, the rider was lost For want of a horse, the battle was lost For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost All for the want of a horseshoe nail Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme I start in the kitchen and get caught up in the laundry room, passing my shadow in the bedrooms as I tend, clean, […]

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Eyes Wide Open

brown wooden dock

“OK, who gets the shot? “Over here,” I shouted! I smiled as I watched the vet walk across the parking lot to the truck. We waited patiently for Mr. P’s second shot while the vet returned inside to grab it. Peanut, our year-old Golden Retriever, had gotten his rabies shot and now needed his last parvo vaccine. I figured it best to wait in the truck instead of hauling everyone inside just for a simple shot (not my first experience). […]

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Let a Cake

butter cookie cake toppings with fruits

Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted. I can’t tell you how often I haven’t gotten the outcome of a recipe I thought I would get. Basic cobblers, pies, and cookies are easy for me, but I will not be opening up a sweet and tasty booth anytime soon. I remember a few weeks back I was making banana pudding for a friend when I forgot to temper the eggs and came out with scrambled […]

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Not on Sunday

woman in orange long sleeve shirt holding white and black book

We are all faced with great opportunities, but they are disguised as impossible situations Tim Brooks It was the first time Eva had been to a funeral, and it was graveside. I stayed back with Charlotte, who was a month old, and Eva walked underneath the tent with her daddy. The girl’s great-grandmother had gone home to be with Jesus. On the drive home, many questions came racing in Eva’s mind. Questions her Daddy and I could not explain to […]

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The Tablecloth


I want to stop long enough to enjoy chocolate chip cookies and carrot cake with my grandchildren. You will never have time. You must make time. Jim Stockdale Preacher, why do you pull a camper behind your pickup truck? You could stay in our home and take your meals with us after you finish preaching each evening.” My father, a young traveling evangelist, looked back at the older gentleman and said, “Because I must provide a home for her.” He […]

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