Skipping Monday

Recently I overheard a lady mention that she skips Monday when it comes to exercise. Any other day is fine but Monday is just too hard to face knowing exercise is also a part of the humdrum. I laughed when I heard this and thought to myself, “How do you skip Monday?”

Once more, “Out with the old and in with the new” is upon us. We will begin to pack away all of our Christmas treasures and store them in the attic. Our houses will return to order and our lives will have structure once again. This part we all enjoy, but there seems to be some sort of Christmas withdrawal period we enter into for the first couple weeks in January. It’s like we live in denial trying to convince ourselves January is not really here; skipping Monday. All of those goals we made back in October looked pretty noble with three months remaining before the real work kicked in. Now, with January staring us in the face, we begin to find reasons why those goals are unattainable.

I used to live my life like this (a long time ago). If I could find an excuse for something I would; until I saw what it produced. I kept expecting my ship to come in then I realized it was never coming unless I picked up a set of oars and started rowing towards it.

If we take everything that makes us uncomfortable or that which we do not like and simply avoid it, we will find not much is remaining. Another year will go by and we will be the same person we were the year before. Monday leads to Friday just like January leads to December. Although, how we face Monday will determine a whole lot more than Friday ever will. Sometimes beautiful destinations are found down difficult roads.

Set your goals high; refuse to skip Monday. Make plans for a wonderful new year. There is so much good on the other side of tomorrow if you will go through today to get there.

Happy New Year

“This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms 118:24

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