Eyes Wide Open

brown wooden dock

“OK, who gets the shot? “Over here,” I shouted! I smiled as I watched the vet walk across the parking lot to the truck. We waited patiently for Mr. P’s second shot while the vet returned inside to grab it. Peanut, our year-old Golden Retriever, had gotten his rabies shot and now needed his last parvo vaccine. I figured it best to wait in the truck instead of hauling everyone inside just for a simple shot (not my first experience). Out came another vet with the shot in hand. I thought it odd, but I figured our vet got tied up and sent another out quickly. He walked over and said, “Well, he looks healthy and strong to me.” Confused, I answered, “He is.” The vet stated, “This is an euthanization shot for a dog out here that has cancer.” With eyes wide open, I exclaimed, “Whoa!” Not my dog!” Mr. P is healthy and young.” The vet smiled and said, “I thought it strange you were so happy and cheerful. That was a close one!”

The moon is God’s flashlight

Eva Jewel Howard

“Mom, did you know you can pray with your eyes open?” Charlotte quickly interjects, “Jesus keeps us safe, Mommy!” Thank you, Charlotte. “Yes, Eva, that is very true. God hears us whether our eyes are open or closed. Even in all our conversations and questions, God hears us.”

Opening the door to the quiet room at church to feed Tyson, I saw a lady I had recently met. She has a special needs son and was helping him when I walked in. I watched her work with him as quickly as feeding Tyson his bottle. Finally, I asked if it was difficult to care for him. She gave me the most profound answer. She gazed past me as if I didn’t exist and responded, “We grew up together. My husband took us both without hesitation and loved us unconditionally.” I had to choke back tears as I listened to this precious story. She had taken on the world with her eyes wide open.

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Sometimes, when walking outside, I reach for Chuck’s hand. I do this just to spur his attention because I know it is far from his comfort. Although he is very affectionate and loving towards me, hand-holding is not something he does often. But it is as familiar to me as breathing. I have watched my father reach for my mother’s hand often, and she welcomes it warmly.

Not too long ago, we left a restaurant and walked around the square, taking in the lighted picture windows as we walked. I reached over and held Chuck’s hand. We walked on with ease, hand in hand, until he had an itch. I started to laugh. Since we married, I look at him and state, “One day, you are going to reach for my hand, and when you do, I am going to smile.”

We were sitting in church listening to the sermon. I felt a familiar touch, yet this time it reached on; surrounding my hand with his own. I looked at him and caught a glimpse of his smile. I smiled back.

I watch God’s goodness encompass every area of my life, including a hand-hold. Laughable moments find me, and simple pleasures encompass my soul. I am living life with my eyes wide open.

The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. Matthew 6:22-23