Proud To Be An American

“I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free

And I won’t forget the men who died and gave that right to me

I will gladly STAND UP next to you and defend Her still today

Because there ain’t no doubt I love this land!

God Bless the USA….

“A holy faith burned in the spirits and guided the actions of all those who set in motion the establishment of these UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Their own words bear testimony to this truth. And it is no accident that in a few words chosen to declare independence on a summer morning, the name of Almighty God appears as a testimony to the faith of our fathers….” Kenneth Copeland

The writings below come from a great American historian, David Barton. It is far better than anything I could say about this great Nation, which I am proud to be a part of. Enjoy the snippets of history that you may not have heard before. Let it remind you that this is still “The land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Our founders knew that without God’s Help- or as they announced in the declaration itself- “A firm reliance on…Divine Providence”- they would never achieve their objective. While we celebrate our liberties this year, let us not forget that those liberties came only through great personal sacrifice: Nine of the 56 signers of the declaration died during the war. Five were captured by the British and tortured before their deaths. Twelve had their homes destroyed by British troops, and three lost their sons to the enemy. Such sacrifice reminds us that liberty is not free. Every generation must defend it anew.

The possibility that we might forget the sacrifices necessary to preserve liberty was something that troubled our founders. This was made clear in a letter from Dr. Benjamin Rush to John Adams after witnessing the celebration surrounding America’s 35th birthday in 1811. Dr. Rush told Mr. Adams:

“The 4th of July has been celebrated in Philadelphia in the manner I expected. The military men and particularly one of them ran away with all the glory of the day. But scarcely a word was said of the solicitude and labors and fears and sorrows and sleepless nights of the men who projected, proposed, defended, and subscribed (signed) the Declaration of Independence. Do you recollect your memorable speech upon the day on which we pervaded the House when we were all called up, one after another, to the table of the President of Congress (John Hancock) to subscribe what was believed by many as that time to be our own death warrants?”

   David Barton – Believers Voice of Victory Magazine, July 2015

The signing of that instrument was a solemn act and required great firmness and patriotism in those who committed it. It was treason against the home government, yet perfect allegiance to the law of right…But neither firmness nor patriotism was wanting in that August assembly…On the morning of the day that the Declaration of Independence was adopted, the venerable bell-man ascended to the steeple, and a little boy was placed at the door of the Hall to give him notice when the vote should be concluded. The old man waited long at his post, saying, “They will never do it; they will never do it.” Suddenly a loud shout came up from below, and there stood the blue-eyed boy, clapping his hands, and shouting, “Ring! Ring!” Grasping the iron tongue of the bell, backward and forward the old man hurled it a hundred times, proclaiming, “Liberty to the land and to the inhabitants thereof.”

 Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence

“Our forefathers wanted us to remember this day as our day of deliverance. Celebrate with fireworks, festivities, and parades. But in all our celebration we cannot forget to take time to thank God for the independence that we enjoy.” – David Barton


“Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage.” Psalms 33:12

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